
We Are Committed to Designing for a Better Tomorrow

As market leaders and innovators in the Carbon Net Zero Initiative for the Built Environment, Schott is committed to creating circular economy solutions that aim to eliminate waste, reduce carbon emissions, and help clients reach their identified carbon goals.  We actively support the use of healthy, sustainable products and continually develop closed loop practices within our industry to ensure a reduced carbon footprint for all.  Whether you want your space to be landfill free and carbon net zero, or simply want to be more green, we have the expertise to help!

The best way to predict the future is to design it.

– Unknown

Schott is Committed to Leading The Way

Designers have the greatest opportunity to drive change through the use and creation of circular design practices.  Prioritizing deconstruction and closed loop design choices can significantly drive down global carbon emissions and eliminate waste.  Schott is committed to leading by example and demonstrating that the continued use of outdated actions that harm our environment and human health is unacceptable.

Our design philosophy is centered around:

Reducing through intentional design not only significantly reduces unnecessary carbon emissions and landfill waste, but also ensures each design element adds maximum return on investment (ROI) for our clients.

Reusing materials ranks as a top strategy in promoting a circular economy as it eliminates new carbon emissions and waste to landfill, and maximizes ROI on purchased material. Schott helps facilitate the reuse of building materials from our industry wherever possible.

Recycling is an effective way to drive down carbon emissions and waste when reuse isn’t possible.  Whether through third party recyclers, or manufacturer take-back programs, Schott aims to programmatically ensure our products will be picked up and recycled into new products for continued life.

Redesigning materials to be closed loop, healthy products, is the most critical action our industry can take. Designers have the most impact on what is manufactured through our purchasing power. Schott actively communicates, encourages, and prioritizes manufacturers producing closed loop, healthy products, who take responsibility for their product’s end of life with sustainable take back recycling programs.

Why it Matters


Buildings account for more carbon emissions than any other industry (40%)!

Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction 2018 Global Status Reports

The Construction & Demolition industry accounts for the majority of landfill contributions – over 548 Million tons every year / more than 2x that of municipal solid waste.

Environmental Protection Agency

Globally, we are projected to construct the square footage equivalent to the floor space of New York City, monthly, for the next 40 years.

UN Environment Global Status Report 2017


Designers are in the driver’s seat when it comes to the solution. Uniquely situated between building owners/clients and manufacturers, we have the greatest opportunity to influence the manufacturing of more sustainable products while educating clients on the impacts of their design / build choices.  Leading this change is the Design Industry’s greatest responsibility!

I’ve been in this industry for over 35 years. During my entire career, I’ve been fighting the challenge of reuse and recycling in Construction & Demolition.

It is my personal mission to change the process that designers go through when we design and construct a space. If we don’t start today, in just a few more years our planet will be in an irreversible position. It is our environmental responsibility as designers to come together as an industry and tackle this inevitable crisis.

We are in the fortunate position by the nature of what we do to create a difference and make change!

What Motivates Us

We are sitting in a critical time for our environment and our industry is center stage. We know the built environment contributes the highest percentage of carbon emissions and is a leading contributor to landfill. But we also know as designers, building owners, property managers, and construction professionals, we are the ones in the driver’s seat who can turn this crisis around. We, at Schott, commit to being part of the solution through action and partnerships to influence the re-design of materials to fit circular economy initiatives ensuring landfill diversion and carbon reduction for the benefit of generations to come.

As designers, we have the greatest responsibility, and the most opportunity, to positively influence the affect our work has on our environment. Designing with the greenest solutions and influencing the conversation of re-design with manufacturers is an absolute must in today’s world. Although this work can be challenging, it is quite exciting when we successfully develop innovative ways to reach new and more aggressive sustainability goals for our clients!


OK, this sounds great, but what can I do?

  • Speak Up at the Right Time

    If the conversation seems hard, start by suggesting re-use. Most items can be re-allocated and used again, touched up, painted etc. for a fresh look.

  • Create Impact Where You Can

    If re-use doesn’t work, please recycle, or donate! Keep it out of the dumpster!

  • Be Smart at the Start

    Specify materials that have responsible end of life solutions! If landfill is the only end of life solution, make a statement by not using that product. There are other creative options that can be recycled.

  • Encourage Others to Do Good

    Ask reps to take responsibility and recycle the old material coming out of the space, if you specify their new product for the remodeled space.

  • Be the Change

    Exercise your buying power and collaborate with manufacturers to redesign building materials to ensure that there are responsible solutions for all design needs going.